Friday, August 13, 2010

First Week of School

This summer flew by and the kids are already back in school. We did our best to prepare for the first day and had all the supplies bagged and ready to take to their classrooms the night before, not to mention the cute little pencil holders for each teacher. The morning of their first day, I got up with them to help Lindsay fix her hair and Cole asked me to make his spiky. I went to go find Bailey and discovered that she was already gone--at 7:20 (school begins at 8:15 and they can't be on campus before 8, so that's incredibly early). Normally, before they take off, we'll get a bunch of pictures of the kids together, but obviously we couldn't this year, so J and I grabbed the supplies and headed up to the school while Lindsay and Cole rode their bikes. We met up with the kids in front of the school and then found Bailey so we could snap a few pictures, but by then it was time to go in. So we quickly walked each kid to class and snapped another quick pic in front of their classrooms.

I know I say it every year, but it always makes me feel so old to hear the grades the kids are in. We now have a sixth grader (!), a fourth grader, and a second grader. We met with the teachers the Thursday before school began, and we really like all their teachers so far. We are the most excited about Cole's teacher this year because he has Bailey's fourth grade teacher and she just rocks. The last couple of years we've really had a hard time with Cole being bored in school and creating problems or just plain not doing his work. He had the same teacher the last couple of years as well, and we really liked her for him because she really liked him and we felt like he really needed that confidence boost. But, I'm now ready for him to get another perspective--and I'm hoping for more discipline in the classroom where he is concerned as well. And his teacher is not disappointing. The fourth day of school, I got an email from his teacher (already!) about him not doing his work in class. But the fantastic thing about it is that she's right on top of letting us know (versus finding out when progress reports go out), and we've been emailing with her to try to find a solution. So it's very exciting to hope that we can get him on the right track in what I think is a critical year as far as school is concerned--taking responsibility for yourself and your grades I really think begins around fourth grade. So we're very excited for this year and looking forward to seeing the kids learn as much as they can.
Lindsay even discovered that a girl in her class wore the exact same outfit to school. It was too cute!

1 comment:

Kim said...

That is wonderful to get teachers that you like. It's always a scary thing for me each year...who will I get for my kids. Glad they are good ones.