Sunday, August 28, 2011

Another birthday

Every year the kids have a birthday, it always makes me a little sad knowing they are growing up, but I think this one has been especially hard. In our church, turning twelve is kind of a big deal, it's the age where a boy gets the priesthood and a girl starts going to young women's. I have such fond memories about that program, it really helped me get through my teenage years, so I'm super excited that Bailey gets to start going, but at the same time, I'm so sad that I now have a twelve year old! In any case, happy birthday, Bailey. Thanks for the opportunity I have to be your mom, you always fill my life with such love and sweetness. I have loved every minute of the twelve years (yes, even when I'm annoyed). I love you beyond belief.

Friday, August 26, 2011

September 2011 card class

If you can believe it, I finally got back to stamping! Although I should have been reading my chapters for my photography class, I spent the day today getting ready for my next card class. Just in case you can't tell from the picture, I love Halloween! So, although it's a little early, I decided to make my card class (and probably the September 3D project class) all about Halloween. I got to break in some new stamps, which is always fun to do. Card class is on September 9 at 7 pm. Please visit my website here to see the details for the class and to register. If you live out of town and want to make the projects, let me know, I can mail out a kit for you to complete the projects on your own.

Friday, August 19, 2011

More scrapping and other things

I finally finished 2005 for each of my kids! That is such an accomplishment for me, I think it took almost a year for me to scrap one year of their lives (of course, I have to do it three times since I was crazy enough to have three kids). These are the last four pages in Lindsay's album for 2005, and I'm looking forward to starting 2006 really soon. Hey, maybe I can actually get another year done this year so that I can make forward progress!


In other news, I'm really excited because I'm going back to school next week! I'm only taking a couple classes this semester, and they're classes I really want to take (photography and digital editing), so I don't think it will feel like a lot of work--I hope!--, but this is the first time I've actually gone to a class (versus the online classes I was taking before) in over 10 years. So it ought to be interesting to see what it's like to head back to college. I'm kind of getting my feet wet a little, trying to gauge whether I'd be good at something Jason and I have thought about for me, so these classes will hopefully be a jumping off point for me. And if not, they're classes I really wanted to take so I'll have fun regardless.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First week of school blues

This week the kids went back to school, and the chaos that always ensues means we are always kept on our toes around here. It didn't help that the kids and Jason didn't get back home from the Mauss family reunion until Sunday night, so our week began in chaos. They're settling in to their new school pretty well, though, and I have to say I've been very pleased with the teachers so far. All of the kids have been pleased with the teachers as well.

Lindsay is in the third grade this year

Cole is in fifth grade

And Bailey is in seventh grade

I also enjoy that the kids take the bus this year so we're not schlepping them down to and from school. The best part is that the bus stop is really close to our house, so the kids don't have to walk very far once they're dropped off. I waited the first day to see them off the bus and the way Bailey reacted, you would have thought I was the paparazzi. I think that means I'm doing my job grabbing pictures of the memories.