Saturday, September 19, 2009

Really celebrating

Today Bailey was invited to a slumber party and Cole to a sleepover, so only Lindsay is home with us until tomorrow evening. Jason and I decided that we should take Lindsay somewhere special and really celebrate her birthday. Being the baby of the family, she feels like she doesn't get enough attention and alone time with us, so I figured this was the perfect opportunity. We didn't tell her where we were going and showed up at the mall. After walking through the mall, we ended up in front of Build a Bear. I turned to her and said something like, "Look, Lindsay, it's Build a Bear". She says "Yeah, we never get to go in there". So then I told her that's what her surprise was and that's what we were doing with her. She was so happy. Not only did she get to spend the afternoon/evening alone with mommy and daddy, but she got a new friend too. J and I both had a good time with her too. Jason's in the other room watching Matilda with her (thanks, Mausses, that was a great choice for her!), so she's still getting some quality time. It's been a nice day.

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