Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter weekend

Today has been pretty hectic. I met with the couple that I'm making wedding invitations for so they could choose what they like and we could refine what I've done so it suits them. Unfortunately, they were a couple hours late to our appointment. And while I knew they were going to be late, it made the rest of my day more crazy because that wasn't the only thing I had going on. They ended up having to wait for me to be ready for them because by the time they got here I had a couple things on the stove and cupcakes in the oven. But, when we finally got to meet and I could show them what I had done, they were really excited. It was really fun to see their eyes light up when I showed them the samples. And now that I know more what they want, I can put together a final prototype for them. I have to say, they were really impressed with what I'd done for them so far, so that makes me happy.

We're doing an Easter egg hunt with some neighbors, and we were planning on doing it at the park, but it's a downpour today, so we'll be moving it inside. But, we're doing a potluck and the kids will all get to play, so we're really looking forward to it. I made pasta salad (which I love to have an excuse to make since I'm the only one that really likes it, so I don't make it often), and cookies and cream cupcakes, and peanut butter cup cupcakes. Jason thinks I made too many cupcakes, so hopefully we don't have to bring them all home, but I know he's excited by the peanut butter cup ones. This is my first time making these two varieties, but I got the recipe out of a book for the kids, so I'm pretty sure they're going to be a hit. They sure look good.

And on top of all that, we haven't dyed our eggs yet, so we're going to have to come back early enough to get that. I hate rushing it because the kids have so much fun doing it, but I'm sure it will be fun either way. We're all ready for the Easter bunny to come other than that, so we're looking forward to having a little fun with the kids.

Hope everyone has a happy Easter!

1 comment:

mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

Glad you are enjoying the work you do, it is beautiful. You may find yourself keeping busy with stampin again and not have to "work a real job"- lol:) We didn't get any of that rain and the weekend was perfect. I dyed eggs with the kids and we had fun since they now know what to do and they were able to create some pretty eggs. Amy worked so the Easter bunny left baskets and eggs at our house. We spent Sunday afternoon watching "The Greatest Story Ever Told" videos (4 hours worth) and ended up with a nice ham dinner on the patio.