Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Easter pics and Cole's first pinewood derby

Cole's first pack meeting was tonight, so he got inducted into the troop and I got to paint his face. He was happy when he got to get even with me and painted mine. After that, he had his first pinewood derby. We found out about the pinewood derby race a week before it happened, and unfortunately, Jason had a tennis tournament to string for last weekend. So time was short for he and Cole to get it ready. If you've ever built a pinewood derby car, you know that it takes a lot of time to get them ready, and they just didn't have it. I think Cole was happy with the completed car regardless, but Jay and I knew it wasn't going to win. Sure enough, he didn't win any of his races. But, even though he was disappointed, Coley was a really good sport. He was giving everyone high fives, and he says he knows exactly how he wants to design his car for next year. I was really proud of him for being a good sport and keeping his disappointment in check--not so easy to do for an eight year old.

1 comment:

ray and brandie said...

Robert cannot wait to join scouts! Cole can tell him all about it this summer!