Saturday, March 7, 2009

We must be nuts!

Five 8 to 9 year old boys are here to spend the night. What were we thinking! Actually, I was thinking they wouldn't be at my house that much except for sleeping since Jason was going to take them to the movies, but when I looked up show times, I found that the only kid movie playing nearby after 5 was Jonas Bros (which Cole actually would have enjoyed, but I'm not sure his friends would), and for some reason I refuse to let him take the boys to see the Watchmen or Mall Cop. I must be a bad mom. :) Anyway, I must be crazy to have not only agreed to this madness, but actually have suggested it, but it is Cole's special day. We only let the kids have parties on even birthdays, so he's been looking forward to this for two years. Now we get to spend the rest of the night making sure he has a good time with his buddies. :)

1 comment:

mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

So now tell us how it went- did Cole have a good time? Because that is all that matters. Birthdays are neat and I'm glad he got to have his friends spend the time with him. But, yes, you are nuts!