Friday, March 20, 2009

Party time

Took my final today, and it looks like I got a strong B, so I'm happy. I'm terrible at biology, so a B is great for me. Now I get to relax for a few weeks before I start another class.

Spring is a blessing and a curse in Surprise. I love having spring training here because it's so fun to be able to go see the major leaguers play close to home and it's much more casual than going to a game at the big stadium (though not much cheaper). The curse is that all the old people are here so traffic is a nightmare, it takes over an hour to be seated at a restaurant, and there's just old people everywhere (not that I mind old people in general, but for instance, there was this old dude that pulled into the gas station behind me today. It seriously took him 5 minutes just to be able to get out of his car. What kind of reflexes does he have and reaction time, and he's still driving?).

Anyhow, there are very few spring training games in the evenings, so we don't get to see a lot of games. Tonight was awesome, though. The Dodgers moved their spring training camp out here so they played at our stadium (which is home to the Royals and the Rangers) vs the Royals. It was an evening game so it was cooler (it's getting in the mid 90s already during the day), and they had fireworks. Unfortunately, though, the Dodgers had the trifecta of suckiness: bad pitching, bad fielding, and bad hitting. We ended up leaving after the fireworks at the seventh inning stretch because we needed to get home and get ready for tomorrow. But we had a good time, and the kids had fun for awhile until the Dodgers started losing really badly. Every five minutes while the Dodgers were winning, the kids had to ask if they were still winning. Lindsay especially. Oh, and Lindsay and Cole both wore their Dodger shirts, so we were in true blue spirit.

Jason and I are really excited for tomorrow. From the time we got married, Jason has been dying to go to this tennis tournament that's held in Indian Wells, Ca. Since we moved here, he's really been dying because it's only about four hours away. So this year I relented. We got some really nice friends to take our kids for the weekend and we're going to go see some professional tennis. I'm excited because I get to see my love, Roger Federer, play. Since we bought tickets to the semifinals, we get to watch two matches, so we get to see four of the best men's tennis players play live. And then we compromised and instead of going to the final on Sunday, we're going shopping at Cabazon (anyone from so Cal knows that this is THE best outlet mall around). Not to mention we're staying at a really nice looking hotel in Palm Desert with a water slide and everything and no kids! I'm glad we get this time together to relax and have a good time. I need it after the last 8 weeks.


mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

You didn't have to get a friend to watch the kids, you come through Blythe and you know they are welcomed here anytime. I'm not sure if you already went 21st or if you are going next weekend 28th- cuz Ray and Brandie and their kids will be here then and you kids would have a blast with all ours. And, Faith is getting baptized Sunday and we were planning on inviting you guys too. So, any time you need a sitter and happen to be coming this way...

Jessica said...

You know, it's funny. I knew we were driving through Blythe and didn't even think of you guys. I wish I had! Next time I will for sure!

Kim said...

It sounds like a wonderful weekend. I'm excited for you. I need a weekend away with my hubby. We are here in the valley and I haven't been to a spring training game in years. How pathetic is that? We came when we lived in Cali but not when we are right here.

Jessica said...

Every year we say we're going to go to a bunch, and we only ever end up going to one. I don't know how close a stadium is to you, ours is like not even 10 minutes away, so we're kind of pathetic that we don't go more. I enjoy the regular season games much more than spring training though, it's more fun when they care whether they win or lose.