Saturday, January 31, 2009

I forgot how hard it was

I kind of figured if I just worked really hard, there's no reason why I shouldn't get straight A's in my return to school. Yeah, right. I'm really really horrible at science. It just goes right over my head--chemistry in particular. And of course, in my biology class this week, we had to study chemistry. At least for now I have an A in the class, but I have a feeling that I won't be able to pull it off for my final grade. And let me just say that I'm really relieved that I'm only doing one class at a time right now. This bio class is an 8 week accelerated course, and it's a lot of work! This was totally why I didn't want to be working while going to school, but I'm trying my best. I'm in the middle of doing my lab while writing this, waiting for beets to soak in water for 20 minutes. So fun. :)

Jason is really trying hard to be sweet about helping me out. I know it's adding a lot more to his plate for me to be in school too, but it's hard for me to be really sympathetic when I'm so overworked and stressed. He took the kids out today to the tennis center for their kid's day and then he says he's going to take them to the park til dinner time all so I can do my lab in peace and quiet. I stuck Charlie outside and have actually been able to do it uninterrupted, which has been really nice. I can't imagine doing this one with the normal chaos around. The only downside was that before I could even begin doing my work, I had to take a half hour to clean. It just drives me nuts that I can't focus on school cause there's so much else going on. This whole experience has really made me regret not just finishing the first time. It was so much easier then.

As far as the job goes, it's interesting. My financial advisor, Sam, feels the same way I do about the company. I think he pretty much knows that he's not going to succeed, and it's only a matter of time before I go back into transition. I think they put him in the office to just buy themselves more time before having to close the office. Sam is pretty cool with me though. He knows that I don't really have any real work to do, so he doesn't mind me doing my homework at work, which really helps. I get a lot of my textbook reading done at work so I can focus. And as much as I hate transition, I would be able to do schoolwork while I'm in transition as well. The only thing I can hope for at this point is that when they put me back in transition that they'll have to close the office and I can be let go. For now, I'm just trying to do as much schoolwork during the day as I can. Sam also let me reduce my hours so that I'm the one to pick up the kids every day and just go home with them. Which has been really beneficial because we're dealing with problems with Cole right now so every day when I pick them up, I have to speak to his teacher to see how the day went. I'll probably get into it in another post, this one has gotten too long as it is. It's just nice that I'm able to be there to deal with it, though with all that's on my plate right now, I'm not thrilled that my son is adding more to it. That's what kids are for, I guess. For now, I have to get back to my lab....


mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

Just think how more prepared you will be to help your kids with their science fair projects with all the great science stuff you are learning! Good luck with it all.

Kim said...

I can't imagine the load you have right now!!! That is just crazy!!! Good luck to you and your 50 thousand things to do!

ray and brandie said...

aLET THE HOUSE GO!!! So you don't have a clean house every single day. What's more important....santiy or a clean house. It's too hard to do it all in school.