Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weeks like this

Make me appreciate I'm married because I know that it's only one week before it gets back to normal with someone to help me. This week our Surprise tennis center hosted the Fed Cup (big tournament for pro women), so Jason had to be down at the center every evening and all weekend. He didn't get back any night this week before 10, so I was pretty much a single mom. Somehow I managed to get all my schoolwork done and turned in on time, but the house is trashed. Oh, and I have to clarify a little, lest you think that I'm really good at keeping the house clean. I'm not. It's usually on my low list of priorities, but I also can't stand it when it's dirty. Messy, with kids stuff all over, ok, but dirty, no. The unfortunate thing with going to school online is that my lab is my kitchen, and when it's a mess I just don't have the room to work in there. Not to mention I can't put my laptop down on all the crumbs. So it just kinda stinks that when I'm ready to work, I have to stop what I'm doing and clean just to be able to work. Anyway, next week should be better since J will be home, hopefully he'll pick up a little of the slack that I just can't do. But, the following week (and the same week as my midterm), he's got another tournament that he's going to be stringing for, so that's going to be a blast. It's a shame that I don't have any family nearby--I'd totally use you and abuse you at this point. :)


Christie said...

Oh, how I know the feeling. James was gone to North Carolina for an interview all last week and I about lost it by the end. Didn't help that my morning sickness really kicked in at the same time.

Jessica said...

I think when you're pregnant it's really bad, too. Jason used to travel a lot for work in his previous job and that was really bad. I'm very grateful that he doesn't travel for this job.

Boons said...

Hey there! Sorry things have been a bit stressful for you. I can't even begin to imagine how busy you are...Super Mom! I'm sure everything will work out just fine! Keep up the good work!