Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bad blogger

So I'm a bad blogger...and this post isn't really going to cure that because it will mostly be pictures. But, I wanted to catch up a little on my progress in my photography class. I'm having so much fun learning all about photography, hopefully it shows in my photos. 

For this assignment, we were supposed to find our subject we wanted to photograph and then break it down into five smaller close up shots instead of just one overall photo. I immediately thought of a few ideas of what I could do with my son while he was playing with his toys, so Cole was my (sometimes un)willing subject.

This started out as a different photo. I focused on his feet because he does this really weird thing with his toes and I wanted him to do that in the photo, but I couldn't get the shot I wanted with him messing with his feet. I really liked how it turned out though because this is the position he is in a lot of times while he's playing with his toys.

This kid's hair is always sticking up all over the place, so I had to get one of the cowlick.

When I first got Cole into Star Wars at age 4, he was too young for the larger, more breakable action figures, but I found these little guys and we started his collection. He now has hundreds of them and he's never wanted the larger action figures. Even at ten, he still plays with these one. You can see the wear on Luke, how much Cole plays with this toy.

This one is my favorite and the reason I started photographing Cole at all. This boy is always carrying Legos around in his pockets and I knew I wanted to do something that showed that, and I was super pleased with how this photo came out.

1 comment:

Kim said...

the feet one is my favorite but I also love the lego one. What a fun idea!