I met with the academic adviser yesterday and had a really good meeting. I've met all the prereqs and am ready to apply to the nursing program. The only thing that will hold up my application is receiving my fingerprint clearance card, taking the entrance exam, and official transcripts. But, as soon as those have all been received, I'll be date stamped into the wait list and it will be official. The other good news is that I can take my co-requisites while I'm on the wait list, so that will lighten my load considerably during the program. And, I've passed a couple co-reqs already and can test out of another. The bad news is that the second anatomy class begins in just a couple weeks. So, as hard as the first one was, and as much as I really want a break, I'm going to be back to it in just a couple weeks. I keep telling myself it will be worth it, and it will when I'm done. I just have to stick it out. The adviser said that most people have to take anatomy 1 over again, so my B is looking pretty good right now. I've never worked so hard for a B before, so I'm going to be happy with it and remember that when it's all said and done, it doesn't matter what my GPA was.
We're also gearing up for back to school. Bailey and my mom got back from their trip back east just in time to meet the kids teachers, and we're pretty excited about them so far. While Bailey was gone, I had taken the other two kids to get their bags and shoes and other school stuff, so today Bailey and I went out and got hers. It was nice to spend some time with just her. She's getting so grown up--I swear she's going to be a teenager before we know it. We took one of the cars into a shop and had to leave it because they weren't going to be able to finish it today, so we're down to one car again. But, hopefully when that's done, I'll have A/C again. It's pretty miserable when its 115 out to have no A/C, but it's also hard to find the time to give up a car to get it fixed. In the meantime, while Bailey and I were out today, the battery started having a hard time in the other car, so we had to take it in to Walmart for a new battery. If you've never lived in a place like Arizona, it's horrible on batteries. We pretty much need a new battery every other year or so. So that was fun, but at least we got some school supplies while we were there and had fun hanging out together. At least she still likes hanging out with me for now. :)