Thursday, August 11, 2011

First week of school blues

This week the kids went back to school, and the chaos that always ensues means we are always kept on our toes around here. It didn't help that the kids and Jason didn't get back home from the Mauss family reunion until Sunday night, so our week began in chaos. They're settling in to their new school pretty well, though, and I have to say I've been very pleased with the teachers so far. All of the kids have been pleased with the teachers as well.

Lindsay is in the third grade this year

Cole is in fifth grade

And Bailey is in seventh grade

I also enjoy that the kids take the bus this year so we're not schlepping them down to and from school. The best part is that the bus stop is really close to our house, so the kids don't have to walk very far once they're dropped off. I waited the first day to see them off the bus and the way Bailey reacted, you would have thought I was the paparazzi. I think that means I'm doing my job grabbing pictures of the memories.

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