Thursday, April 28, 2011

I love it so much it hurts

I always knew my competitive streak was going to cause problems for me. Most of the time I come home from softball with funny stories and what I call war wounds. Like this, for example:

 I say that you know you're having fun when you come home dirty and this is no exception.
On the same dive, I got these and a couple more scrapes on my legs. But I was so proud of myself because I really should have been out. My at bat started out nice with a great line drive up the middle, earning me a base hit. Then, while on first, the catcher dropped the ball, so I took off for second. After a couple steps, I looked back to see how far the ball had gotten and realized the catcher came up with it quickly and I was toast. She just looked at me like, where are you going to go? I quickly made up my mind, took one fast step back toward first and then dove. It was a good enough play that I was able to get under the tag and I was safe back on first. I ran into bigger problems, though when I was going on a short base hit trying to make it to third. I have been taught, and really do know, that you either slide or you don't. If you do something in between, you get hurt. Well, I decided way too late to slide and rolled my ankle into third. I was able to get back up after a minute and finished playing the game (and then played a second game after), but by the time I got home, I knew I was in trouble. I was really having trouble walking, but I was kind of hoping that some ice, elevation, and some rest that I might be ok today. I think halfway through the night that wasn't going to happen, though because it was aching all night long and as soon as I woke up, I knew I wasn't going to be able to walk on it. Unfortunately, I chose the worst day possible to be injured because today is AAA's annual take your child to work day. Two years ago, J took Bailey, and then last year Cole got to go. So Lindsay has been waiting anxiously for this day to come, so I had to let him go to work and leave me to take care of myself. As soon as I dropped the kids off at school, I headed over to urgent care for some x-rays. The good news is that I didn't break it. The bad news is that I severely sprained it, so I can't bear weight for a week and am stuck in a splint and ace bandage. So here's my new fashion accessories:

I'm already discovering how difficult this is going to be at my age. I don't know how my mom did it last summer with her knee. As much as I'd love to be forced to just sit and take it easy, I don't think this is how I wanted to do it. I shudder to think what my house will look like with a week of me not cleaning up, and for now the discomfort is really getting to me. Maybe now would be a good time to teach Charlie to fetch whatever I need for me.

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