Sunday, January 31, 2010

Something to think about

I've been out of commission for the last two weeks trying to get over this root canal. I was in pain for ten days exactly, my dentist ended up putting me on antibiotics (and when that didn't work) and steroids in addition to something called "miracle mouthwash" which has a topical anesthetic so it numbs the sores in your mouth. I wasn't sure that the whole miracle thing was true but the day I had the procedure done, my mouth broke out inside and out with cold sores, and let me tell you, that mouthwash was a miracle. When I used it the first time and it kicked in, it was the first time in nine days that I'd been able to eat without it just burning (the location of my cold sore was incredibly rude--along my gums on the very inside where your tongue nests, so every single thing that went in my mouth hit the coldsore and burned). And the next day it was already beginning to heal over really well, so I was happy. That was also the day my jaw stopped hurting, and I started feeling almost normal.

Other than that, not much else has gone on other than the mad chaos that goes with having three kids and all their activities. I love seeing my kids happy and active, but it makes for busy weeknights. And then Jason and I try to get a little time to ourselves for our own activities, so it's pretty crazy. This year I had to buy a weekly planner that I hang up just to keep track of where everyone needs to be every day (and we still manage to forget sometimes).

The best thing about this year so far is that we are active in church again. It has been a really difficult time here in Arizona feeling like we belong and enjoying church. We decided that however uncomfortable it has been to go, we have to go anyway (more for the kids than anything else), and it's been pretty good so far this time. I'm actually beginning to make a few friends; only took me three years to say that. I just got a new calling last week as well. I'm now the RS chorister. And as musical as I am, I'm much more comfortable following someone else conducting than doing it myself. And just because you know how to conduct doesn't mean you're any good at it, so this will be a learning experience for me. And this week we had combined RS and priesthood with a really important lesson. I try to be humble and don't really consider myself too proud, but the lesson really made me think about things that I can change and improve on. The person I am now is not the same person I was three years ago in Stockton (and I liked that person much more), so I have a long way to go just to get back to where I was. I always say that when I'm faced with a challenge, I always know when it's over or almost over because I learn something from it. I don't think I'm there yet, so I'm sure there's more challenge to go, but I at least feel like there's been some improvement. I'm hopeful that the light at the end of the tunnel is visible and that maybe this place can turn into something like home.

1 comment:

mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

I like your comments about your learning experiences. Glad to know you are getting comfortable in church again, that is a blessing in itself. I hope we can come to Cole's baptism, I wrote it on calendar and will work on it. We hope to go to Mesa this month for Lindsey's baby's blessing. Keep up the hard work and it will pay off. Love you-