Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some holiday projects

It's been awhile since I've had the time to post projects, but I did do a few things around the holidays:

I had to make two cards this year due to a lack of planning--I didn't have enough of any good colors of cardstock to make 55 cards that were all the same. I was less than thrilled with how they turned out, but I ran out of time, so to me they're a little unfinished and definitely not my best work. But they're handmade, so that's something.

I really liked these two cards much better (but they were too much work to make that many of!). The dog one we made for our vet and dog trainer and the karate one for Cole's karate teachers.
These were for my siblings' gift cards this year. They turned out really cute (if I do say so myself).
This was the gift I made for my boss this year and the gift bag I wrapped it in. We actually went over to her house on Christmas Eve for the party she was hosting. She gave the kids each a present that they were super excited about, and I think she had fun watching the kids open them up.

So after finishing up my last class (and having taken back to back to back classes) for just about a year, I've decided I need a little break from school. I'm still on the wait list--if I get really lucky, I'll get pulled from the list in the fall, but I think it is more likely to be spring semester next year. I've only got two classes left that are required to graduate with my RN, so as long as I knock them out before I start, I'll be good. So hopefully that will mean that I'll get to post more creations since I should have the time to work on them.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

So cute and creative!