Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hawaiian Haystacks

One of the other things I'm attempting this year is to batch cook our meals so that we eat out less often while making meal preparation a little easier on myself. This weekend was my first cook (and boy did I cook! I think I was cooking for 12-14 hours between two days), and tonight was the second night of eating the meals I had prepared.

Last night's meal didn't go off so well. I had read that if you were going to freeze and then reheat meatloaf that you should undercook it a little so that it doesn't dry out what you reheat. Well, I think it didn't get enough cooking time (and I'm not sure if it was the before freezing or after freezing cooking time I need to fix). While it looked cooked all the way through, the texture was of ground beef that isn't cooked all the way through. Since I didn't want to risk getting my family sick, I tossed it to be on the safe side. So we ended up eating sandwiches with green beans and cheesy scalloped potatoes.

Tonight's dish was much more successful. I found a recipe for Hawaiian Haystacks (I'm sorry, I don't remember the blog I found the recipe to, but I started my search on pinterest for freezer meals and this was one of the blogs about freezer meals), and everyone loved it. I think the kids liked that they got to choose what toppings they wanted on it too. I couldn't find the original blog I found it from, but this is the exact same recipe on this blog.

Tomorrow night is Chicken Enchiladas, hopefully they will come out well because we all love my enchiladas.

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