Monday, July 12, 2010

My best friend's birthday

I'm sure J thought I forgot to post this, or maybe he was just hoping I wouldn't, but I wanted to make sure I took the time to publicly embarrass my husband. Yesterday was J's 30th birthday. I had some ideas for how we could make it a big deal, but they kind of got put on hold since the kids are here. And his idea of what we could do to celebrate was to go go-kart racing, an activity that wouldn't be as fun with them. So I guess that will be our next date night. Instead, the kids and I just tried to make it a special day for him. Some of my plans for that were thwarted as well since I hid the balloons from him so well that I still haven't found them, and I discovered that we used up the helium tank at Bailey's last birthday so I wouldn't have been able to blow them up anyway. We did decorate a little on the outside of his office (and I do mean a very little), but the best decorating we did was to the sliding glass door in our kitchen. I had purchased a white marker that is meant to write on car windows, but it really didn't work (got it from Walmart, so go figure). Instead, I went and grabbed my dry erase markers and me and the kids wrote messages to him on the glass. They were really cute and pretty funny, and even Charlie got in on the action with my help. Charlie's message said, "Dear Dad, today for your birthday, I will bit you. Love, Charlie" which is pretty much what that dog would say if he could talk. J had a lot of fun reading the kids messages, and I'm kind of bummed Bailey wasn't here to get in on the action, although she did remember to call her Dad and wish him a happy birthday. Then last night we took him to a hibachi place for dinner that he's been wanting to go to. This was my first trip to a hibachi as well as the kids, and it was a lot of fun. The food was really delicious too, and J got some sushi as well as his hibachi, so I know he really enjoyed it. On the way home, I asked him if he wanted me to make him a cake I had planned on making or if he wanted to pick up some dessert on the way home. He chose to stop at Cold Stone and got a cookie dough cake, so the kids and I got to sing to him and made him blow out some candles. All in all, I know it wasn't as big of a deal as I think he was hoping, but hopefully it was still enjoyable.

For J, even though we didn't get to celebrate the way you wanted to, I hope you know how special you are to me. I can't even begin to imagine my life without you, and I'm so very lucky to have celebrated more than ten birthdays with you. You are a wonderful father and husband, and my very best friend. Happy birthday.

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