Monday, March 15, 2010

Looking forward to Saturday

We're so excited because Cole is getting baptized this weekend. It's been so much fun getting him prepared because he has such a sweet spirit and I love to see it shine through. For anyone in the area that would like to come, it's at our stake center at 2 on Saturday.

Cole also had the opportunity to prepare our family home evening lesson tonight and I was so thrilled with the result. In anticipation of his baptism, he prepared his lesson on that topic. He and Jason sat down and came up with some questions, Cole answered them and shared with us his answers:

1. Why am I getting baptized? Why should anyone?
I'm getting baptized so that I can get the priesthood later. So they can make a promise to God.
2. How do I feel about getting baptized? What am I looking forward to?
I'm excited to see my relatives and getting baptized.
3. What promises am I making when I get baptized?
I'm responsible for my own actions. I'm going to follow the commandments. I give 10% of whatever I earn (aka tithing). Never stop praying. I choose the right.
4. What kind of questions do I have?
What is the thing that I get baptized in called? How cold is the water?

Other than correcting spelling, those are Cole's exact words and thoughts about baptism. When he finished, he bore his testimony to us about baptism. He almost had me in tears with how sweet and pure his testimony is. He talked about how he wanted to become as pure as he was in heaven again and how he was looking forward to following the commandments by getting baptized. He also amazes me with how sweet he is with reading his scriptures. I have never seen a child who would just crack them open without parents asking him to. He honestly treats the Book of Mormon as if it's a novel that he's reading to find out how the story goes. I'm so proud of my son and yet so humble that I have the opportunity to raise him in my house. I know that I just do my best to make sure he gets a good foundation, but the rest is all him.


mom and grandma of BOLTON BUNCH said...

Great job, Cole. We hoped to come to the baptism but Arianna's mom decided to throw her birthday party that night in Chino Hills. We haven't seen Arie for over a year now and she is moving to Atlanta soon, so we decided we needed to go to her party (21- can you believe that?) Divorce in the family makes some contacts harder and we have missed out with Arie . But CONGRATULATIONS to Cole, we are very proud of him and his choices. Have a good weekend

Ashley said...

That is really great Jessica! Congrats to Cole!

Boons said...

How exciting for Cole (and the rest of the family)! We hope the baptism went well. Wish we could have been there. You've got a sweet boy and should be very proud of his decision! Good job, Mom and Dad!