Thursday, July 16, 2009

Our annual Independence Day trip

Fourth of July weekend, we drove out to my parents house to see the kids and have our annual block party. Friday we took off early in the morning because I was anxious to see the kids. We got there around noon, and my mom saw us pull up but didn't tell the kids. Instead, she told Lindsay to just come outside with her, so it was great to see her face just light up when she saw me. The other two quickly followed, and we got in a bunch of hugs and kisses that we've been missing. While we were still outside, Cole showed us how he's finally riding his bike (and all five of us are happy he's doing it because now they can ride bikes to school instead of walk--this year we had decided that they could start walking both ways, so this will make it much nicer for them). We didn't do much other than visit with the kids and took them to swimming lessons (and it was nice to see how much they've progressed this summer) that day.

Saturday was Independence day, and we had a lot of fun at the block party. I felt like it was so nice that my kids are older now, I don't have to worry about where they are every moment anymore. And if they want to run down the street to play with friends, we can let them do that without tagging along. It was a lot of fun to hang out with the family: my grandma, Aunt Pat and Uncle Ray, my cousin Ryan, my cousin Amy and her kids Faith and Cameron, my brother Josh and his family, my brother Jordan and his family, and my sister-in-law Angie's dad. I really didn't take many pictures of the day, but we had a great time.

Jason and I both took a couple days off work so that we could extend the trip and spend more time with the kids, so Sunday we took them to the Discovery Science Center in Santa Ana. We had a great time learning (and the kids are finally old enough to not just play with the exhibits, but they wanted to read about them and learn how they worked too) and messing around. After that, we went over to Downtown Disney and had dinner at the Rainforest Cafe. I think we kinda got gypped on where our table was, all there was to look at was a big aquarium, but the kids had fun, and that's what's important. Next we went over to the Lego store because we knew Cole would be chomping at the bit to go there. I think we spent almost an hour just in that store (and luckily they had lego tables for the girls to play at so they were content). We had decided to let each kid pick out one thing that was reasonably priced from the stores at Downtown Disney that would be their only souviner from the whole trip, and of course Cole wanted something from the Lego store--I have to say, I was impressed by his first selection that we decided not to buy for him. He didn't ask for the $400 Lego Star Wars sets (I think there were two, a huge death star and a Millenium Falcon, and both were so cool, but c'mon, $400?), so at least he knows the meaning of reasonably priced. He did want to get a limited edition Lego set, and I don't remember now what it was, but it was pretty cool. I just thought he was using his brain because this set is one that is only available in Lego stores for a short time, so he knew he wouldn't find it anywhere else. Unfortunately, it was $50, so we told him it was more suited for a birthday or Christmas present and we weren't planning on spending that much per kid for their little present. He was happy with the Star Wars set he ended up choosing, and I had him fill a container with odds and ends of pieces that you run out of often so that he has extra of those types of pieces. He wanted to grab some more Lego people, but those suckers are expensive! You could build your own set of three for $10--for the little tiny Lego people. I told him I'd try to find some on the internet for cheaper. Anyhow, we walked around the rest of Downtown Disney, Bailey chose a pretty little necklace with an angel and Lindsay chose a Hannah Montanna bag.
Monday we took the kids to the LA zoo, which I've shared my story here about my brother's medallion at the zoo. We had a good time, and again, I was happy because the kids wanted to learn about the animals too, particularly about what types of food each animal eats.

Tuesday was the day we were coming back home, so again we didn't do much, but we did take the kids to Ruby's at the Seal Beach pier for lunch. While we were there, we could see out the window that a guy was catching a fish. He was having a really hard time bringing it up, and it turned out to be a huge stingray. The kids got to go outside and see the stingray up close, so that was cool, but I don't think the poor stingray was going to make it. The guys who caught it did their best to try to help it, but it was just goughed from the hook bringing it up. After lunch, I took Cole to a pediatric specialist who told me that he'd be better off just waiting until he gets home and having the tooth pulled because the adult tooth is getting ready to come in anyway. That way we can save him from having to have the nerve work done and he said the abcess was draining, so it was looking like he'd be able to make it another two or three weeks without having the work done.

One thing that was really nice about this trip was getting to spend so much time with two of our nieces. The day before we came out, my sister-in-law Angie was in a car accident. She was making a left turn and some guy driving a U-Haul ran through a red light and nailed her pretty bad. She did have the girls in the car with her, but they were both in their seats so Ella just bonked her head since she's in a booster, but Hannah didn't have a scratch on her. Unfortunately, Angie broke her hand, but we were happy that no one got more seriously hurt than that. While we were there, Angie was still in pain and had a soft cast on, so my parents were taking care of the girls a lot, so Jason and I got to spend a lot of time with them. Ella we've both got a good relationship with, but Hannah has been so young, it's hard when you only see them a couple times a year. Well, by the time we got to see her again, Hannah has just blossomed and has such a great personality. She is seriously a crack up, and we loved getting to know her the way that we know and love Ella. I felt very lucky that she would just give hugs and kisses and tell me she loves me. Only getting to see the girls a couple times a year, I don't just expect them to automatically know and love me, especially when they're little like that. So it was a great treat for me that Hannah just loves people and attention and gave her auntie lots of loves.

All in all, it was a great trip, and we had a great time. We both wished that we could have stayed a couple more days, but neither of us felt we could take more time off work. When we left, I really expected Lindsay to be crying, but she was ok....until Bailey started crying. I could tell she was really upset, but she was trying to hold it in until I asked her if she was ok. My poor baby. I guess she felt like she didn't get enough time with us, and was sad to see us go. So of course when Bailey started it, Lindsay joined in. Cole was completely oblivious of course (huh? you guys are leaving? ok. see you later).
The kids are now with Jason's family on their way to Wisconsin, but they'll be back home in less than two weeks now. Anyone want to take bets on how long it takes me to complain about them? I'm so anxious to have them back, but I'm really trying hard just to enjoy the time I get with Jason. I guess this is what it will be like when they're all grown and gone.

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