Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's been slow

There's not too much to report with the kids gone. Jason and I have spent a lot of time relaxing together. We've had a few date nights, slept in a lot on the weekends, and cleaned the house a little. Really, we've just enjoyed having time to ourselves, and I've enjoyed having time to do homework and study. I've reached the point where I really miss the kids, but we'll see them in a couple weeks, and while I thought about going to see them this weekend, I couldn't leave Jason home by himself for father's day. So in the meantime, we're spoiling the only child we've got right now, our beagle Charlie. He's decided that he likes sleeping in mom and dad's bed most, there've even been a couple nights we've caught him sneaking in our bed in the middle of the night like the kids. Plus he gets in trouble, so I still have to go searching for someone misbehaving. I figure he's just trying to make sure I don't miss the kids too much.


Alicia said...

Did I miss something? Where are your kids?

Jessica said...

See my previous post about Cole vs. the dentist. They're visiting my family in cali