Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Dentist Visit

I had to take the kids to the dentist today, one of my all time favorite things to do (not!). Of course somehow the appointments always manage to be on days when J can't come with me, so I always do it alone. Lindsay is terrified of anything to do with her teeth, so she has never let the dentist do more than count her teeth and I've been worried that she has cavities we don't know about because of that. So today she was really brave--she let them x-ray her teeth and she let the dentist brush them (with a manual toothbrush...she really didn't like the electric one). One of the x-rays had slipped and they didn't want to make her do it again, but she doesn't have any cavities so far. Bailey and Cole have had issues with cavities in the past, so I was worried about them. In fact, I've met my deductible on them for the year because in January, they both had a bunch of cavities (and cost me $300!). Bailey was great--no cavities. But Cole...well, technically he's got two cavities, but he doesn't floss the right way, so it affects four teeth. And of course, each new tooth is another payment. I was thinking it wouldn't be so bad since I've already met the decutible. Yeah, right. So between his cavities and the sealants they want to do (Bailey had them done and it really seems to help but of course the insurance doesn't cover it fully), it's like another $350. Ridiculous. Somehow we ended up with a $200 credit, so I only have to pay $150, but still. I'm not happy with him. He already got my cavity lecture (is it sad I already have a cavity lecture?). Not to mention, he made my day harder with Lindsay as well. After school, we were in a hurry to get to the dentist, so I planned on getting them really fast, grabbing a quick snack and then going to the dentist's office. When I picked the kids up from school, Cole was nowhere to be found. I finally had to park and found his teacher who at least had a guess where he was--shopping at the Secret Santa gift shop. I was so mad! Of all the days to run off and do whatever you want! So, of course, we didn't have time for a snack before the dentist. On the way home, I'm telling the kids they can't eat or drink anything for an hour, and Lindsay just freaked out! I know she was really hungry, but boy does she get on my nerves! I finally caved 15 minutes early--I just couldn't take it anymore. I had been hoping that I would be able to reward Lindsay's behavior at the dentist's office but I didn't have it in me tonight after that. Maybe tomorrow.

In other news, I went to fill up yesterday, and with the discounts we had saved up from Safeway, I only paid $1.25/gallon. It cost me just over $20 to fill my whole tank. So much better than when I was freaking out trying to decide if we had $60 to fill up!

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