Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Raising a loving girl

I was packing up my oldest daughter's room yesterday, and found this letter folded up in her room. In case you can't read her handwriting, this is what it says:
"Dear new owner of this house or resident of this room,
By the time you are reading this, me and my family have probably moved out. But I have something to say. This room is no longer mine, but whoever is living in here has to do one thing for me. I know this room isn't living, but it was my best friend when I needed it to be. So please, take good care o it. That is all I ask. Thank you. I don't know if you'll take me seriously, but thank you for listening."
I was so touched that she feels so secure and safe in her room. This has been a very difficult time for us, and as this letter shows, our kids feel the same way. But I'm glad to know that we have created a loving home for our children and as long as we're together, wherever we are will be our home.


Alicia said...

So cute. What a thoughtful little lady you are raising.

Kim said...

What a sweet daughter. What a sweet girl. I hope you left the note for the new owner. I know I would likely treat things differently if I came into a room with that note inside.