Thursday, June 17, 2010


Tonight I finished a four week session of bootcamp. I've been down about my weight for awhile now, but I hate just walking and don't know how to use the majority of the machines at the gym. So when my friend offered a session of bootcamp, I jumped at it. This girl is so funny because she will talk about how she doesn't feel fit right now, but she's the skinniest little thing, but she's also tough and I knew she would kick my butt if I let her. So two nights a week for the last four weeks I've showed up and worked as hard as I could--and complained a lot while we were at it. :D There were definitely nights when I didn't want to be there and had to force myself to go, but I only missed one night (hey, it was my anniversary, so I figured that if J wasn't coming with me to bootcamp, I better go out with him). And of course, I was my usual sarcastic (and occasionally funny) self, complaining but really enjoying that someone was making me work so hard. I only weigh myself once a week, even when I'm tempted midweek to take a peek and see how I'm doing, so I'm not sure what the total results were for weight loss, but I've lost 5 pounds so far, so I'm off to a good start. I'm hoping this weekend to see that I've lost another couple pounds, but as long as the body fat goes down, I'm happy. It feels really good to be using muscles that have been dormant for so long, and to start to feel like my old athletic self. I'm actually looking forward to next month to pick it up again and keep working toward my goal of not just weight loss, but getting healthy.

2 comments: said...

Boot Camp would NOT be the same without you there..complaining, moaning, AND joking with a huge smile on your face! I enjoy torturing you and I know you enjoy being tortured! LoL! I will see you next month with more, "we have to do what?" moments (just for you)! TTYS

Kim said...

Good for you! I keep thinking I'm going to do a boot camp but so far have been too chicken. Glad to hear you are sticking with the torture! Someone should!