Sunday, August 2, 2009

A blessing and a curse

I'm at the end of taking the last prerequisite before applying to the nursing program at our local on-line JC, and this class has just killed me. I've been talking to my cousin, who is already a nurse, and found out that this class is way harder than any of her anatomy classes were, and it's only the first half of the course. They go into so much depth that they break up anatomy into two parts, one is a prerequisite and the other you do while you're in the program. Anyhow, I've suffered through all sixteen weeks and have a B, so I'm doing okay, and I'm really looking forward to being done, but I'm way stressed about the final. The final was supposed to be due by Saturday, and then on Thursday, they announced that the systems were going to be down all day Saturday for upgrading, so our prof had to push back the final date to Monday. It's nice cause I have to take Monday off now to go down and take the final, and I got two extra days to study. And that's pretty much what I've been doing this weekend between cleaning and cooking. The bad part is that I wanted to be done with it and enjoy the weekend with my family. Oh, well. Tomorrow's the big day, hopefully I'll pass this dumb class and be done with it. One step closer to my goal, that's all I ask.