Monday, July 27, 2009

Turning Charlie's world upside down

Jason and I have been trying to find a dog trainer that would come to us for awhile, but no one we know in Arizona has done that, so recommendations were scarce. Well, BarkBusters had a sale for July, so we took advantage of that and had our first training session with Charlie on Friday night. Boy was he in for a shock. He went from having few rules to having lots of them. We were really happy with the trainer because she took a lot of time to teach us about pack mentality so we could understand how Charlie thinks. Some of the things that I didn't think were such a big deal (like petting him when he comes up and noses me) were giving him the idea that he was the alpha around here. So now poor Charlie is kind of confused, trying to figure out his place in our family. He's doing pretty well, he seems to be pretty smart and catches on pretty quick. Tomorrow will be another wrench in his little life because the kids will be back, and I'm sure that they'll try to train him to death. :) Hopefully I can get them to understand that mom and dad are the bosses, not them. Yeah, right. Who am I kidding? I can't wait for them to get home. :)


Kim said...

Crazy girl getting a dog! Ellie just needs to come play at your house because there is NOT going to be a new pet at ours! The fish are MORE than enough!!!

Jessica said...

Let's just say I'm really glad that we got Charlie after the kids were a little older and all potty trained. He was a little baby when we got him and it was tough!