Friday, June 5, 2009

Kids sports

The kids took some sporting classes at the end of the year, so the last session I went with my camera. Bailey and Lindsay were going to take yoga, but they canceled the class. Bailey instead made her dad proud and took tennis (which she liked but it frustrated her very much). Lindsay and Cole did karate. This was Lindsay's first time taking karate, but Cole's second. And Bailey had taken it with Cole before and seemed to like it, but she didn't want to do it again, so I don't think she liked it that much. I don't think Lindsay will take it again, she didn't seem very into it. Cole, however, loves karate, and we both think the discipline are important for him, so when they get back, we're going to find a karate studio to take him to so he can really get into it. These little classes that they take through the school are great for seeing if your child is going to like whatever sport it is without spending a bunch of money, but when your child does like it, they're not going to go very far. We really like the brothers that run the karate class, and they let me know when and where they hold regular classes, but one of the classes each week is at the same time as cub scouts, so we'll have to find another place. Cole is really anxious to test because he wants to start earning his belts too, so that will be fun.

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