Sunday, April 26, 2009

Too reasonable to be nine

While I was making dinner tonight, Bailey and I were having a discussion about Twilight. Her first comment was that it's becoming really popular (and I think I earn good Mom points for not saying, "duh"). A couple weeks ago I found her reading a copy of New Moon. She had just grabbed it off my shelf and started to read, not asking me for permission. I told her I didn't want her to read it, and she was okay with it. So tonight she was telling me that a lot of the girls in her class have been reading Twilight, and I asked her if she knew why I didn't want her to read it. She said no, so we had a discussion about love and how I just feel like she's too young to be reading about love that way and that it in no way resembles a real relationship (hopefully I didn't scar her for life when I told her that real relationships are more like my relationship with her dad--that we fight sometimes but we really love each other). I also told her that since she's still developing her ideals and sense of self and that I feel like she'd be too impressionable for that book.

So now comes the part where she's just too reasonable. She told me that she thinks that me and Jay must love her more than other parents in her class love their kids because they let their kids do a lot of stuff that we don't approve of. Who the heck is this kid and why is she so reasonable. And someone please tell me that she'll be this way as a teenager--that would be awesome.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Don't you love those moments where kids help you feel like your doing something right, since if you're anything like me you only constantly notice those things you don't do right.